Tuesday, April 19, 2005


So there is this dude at work who irritates the living daylights out of me! Honestly if I don’t kill him by the end of this week, it shall be nothing short of a miracle! He just doesn’t seem to understand that my purpose in life is not to sit and wait for what comes out of his mouth!!!! He drives me up the wall, onto the ceiling and back down again!!!….but I get my own back when he has to squeeze his massive self into this tiny little car with his knees almost in his face to go home….I know, its mean, but I cant help it. You should see him parading around the office like he was gods gift to the ambulance service! Anyway, he’s just another wonder that I will not even attempt to understand…waste of time! So I think yesterday was like a butterfly day or something!! I renamed my blog kipepeo, coz I simply love butterflies. You should see me go crazy at the butterfly farm at Gedi!!! Anyway, then I found this really cool designer line called….yes…kipepeo. It was started by a kenyan in the states and they have some funky stuff!!! Then my mum sends me the sweetest fwd about butterflies. Bout this man watching a butterfly struggle to get out of its cocoon, so thinking he was helping, he nipped the cocoon with a pair of scissors to let the butterfly out easy. But unlike what he expected to happen, the butterly had weak and shrivelled wings and remained like that for the rest of its life. What the man didn’t know was that the struggle to get out of the cocoon forces butterfly blood (do they have blood?) into the veins of the wings, so they are strong enough to spread out and fly (at this point nick, I could easily break out in song…butterfly…mariah…but I shall save everyone). Anyway, so by cutting open the cocoon, this man interrupted with all that. So I guess, butterflies have a big lesson to teach me!


Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

hee hee...kanajiskia wit a ka-mini..hope he doesnt hav bad breath as he bores u numb

2:47 PM  
Blogger kipepeo said...

@ nick yup...ok, enough of feeling guilty...Its hilarious!!!!! He has to do rotational math to figure out how to get in...and his car's red. talk of screaming for everyone to watch!!! dont get close to him to smell his breath, but his sense of hair design...hmmmmm...

7:21 PM  
Blogger kipepeo said...

@ wanjiru..i have thought of very many nasty pranks!!! But being the good person i am, i dont carry them out. I get worried bout my evil streak....did you know if you put sugar in the petrol thingy bob the car has to get a new engine...just a thought

9:58 PM  
Blogger kipepeo said...

@ MJY...uhmmm...as I said, i get worried about my evil streak sometimes. but yeah, that is strange, a psycho-killing butterfly!

9:22 AM  

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